League Rules
General Rules
1. The Committee and Meetings
a. The league will be governed by a management committee consisting of a Chair, Vice Chair, General Secretary, Treasurer, Web Secretary, Competitions Secretary and one person from each team delegated as a committee person.
b. In all matters considering the league, the committee's decision will be final.
c. If a team delegate cannot attend a meeting, a substitute can be sent. All teams must be represented at all meetings.
i. A £5.00 fine will be imposed for all missed meetings.
ii. Missing the AGM will incur a £10.00 fine.
d. All committee meetings and the AGM start at 7:30pm and close by 10:00pm. Any business not completed must be continued at a further meeting. The dates for all meetings will be released prior to the league starting.
i. The venue for meetings in 2024/25 will be The Commrades Club.
e. Each team will have 1 vote at any meetings including the AGM.
f. Any proposals for rule changes, league changes must be given in writing to the league secretary or chair no later than 7 days prior to the AGM.
2. Team and Player Membership
a. Entrance fees to the league are £15.00 per team plus a £5.00 bond for all new teams.
b. A registration fee of £1.00 is payable for each player joining a league team.
i. Any registered player is eligible for darts and dominoes.
c. A list of all registered players and all competition sheets must be handed to the General Secretary at the first meeting of the new season.
d. Players who are registered for a team and have not played for them can transfer within the first 7 weeks of a new season.
e. New registrations will be accepted up to the 10th week of the season.
f. A player who is registered with any other Monday night league will not be allowed to register with the Bob Nellis Monday night league. If this occurs, the player involved will be brought before the committee and will be suspended from the league for the remainder of the season.
g. Any team who knowingly plays a person that they know is playing in another Monday night league will lose all points for every match that he/she has played. The team will be fined £5.00 and may be barred from this league at the discretion of the committee. This rule will be rigidly applied.
3. League Games
a. All league games are to be played on a Monday night, except in exceptional circumstances.
b. If any games are cancelled, both teams are to contact any of the secretaries by phone, giving 7 days’ notice if possible.
c. All cancelled games must be played on the next available Monday.
d. All games must be played before the end of the season, or a £5.00 fine will be imposed.
e. Short notice of cancelled games from 12pm on the match day by the away team will incur a penalty of out of pocket expenses to the home team of not less than £20.
i. If the home team cancels after 4pm and the away team have taxi expenses to pay, the away team may claim said expenses producing a receipt from the taxi firm.
f. The league shall be run on a basis of 1 point for each game won. The winning team of both darts and dominoes will be awarded a 5-point bonus.
g. LEAGUE A and B
i. Both teams must be in attendance for 8pm and games will start no later than 8pm. If any team is not in attendance at this time, the opposing captain can, at their discretion, claim the points unless they have been notified beforehand with genuine reason. (Straight 9-0 win at darts and dominoes but with no bonus points). A £5.00 fine will be levied by the league.
h. LEAGUE C and D
i. Both teams must be in attendance by 8:30pm and games will start no later than 8:30pm. If any team is not in attendance at this time, the opposing captain can, at their discretion, claim the points unless they have been notified beforehand with genuine reason. (Straight 9-0 win at darts and dominoes but with no bonus points). A £5.00 fine will be levied by the league.
i. Teams shall consist of 9 players for both darts and dominoes.
i. If a team is short of players, the team can redraw up to 2 players. All players must be put back into the draw. This rule applies to both darts and dominoes.
ii. If a team wish to play only 7 or 8 players and there are other players in attendance that could play, this will not be judged as cheating or flouting the rules. It will be up to the team and/or the captain of the team to decide what best suits their team.
iii. Failure to adhere to this ruling will result in forfeiting any re-drawn games.
iv. Five players constitute a team.
j. Names of all players taking part in the games must be on the result card, including any substitutes before the game starts.
i. It is essential that the card be completed in ink and be signed by both darts and domino captains.
ii. All results to be sent to the Web Secretary by Tuesday of the same week using WhatsApp.
iii. All result cards to be handed in at the following scheduled league meeting. Both the home and away teams must hand in their result cards. Failure to comply with this will result in a warning for a first offence.
iv. Persistent offenders of these rule will be fined up to £5.00 at the discretion of the committee.
k. Games may be played out of order drawn with the agreement of both captains. This rule may be used for the convenience of players who may be shift workers or those involved in another game within the match.
l. Any team playing an unregistered player will have that player barred. The team will be fined £5.00 and will lose all points (Straight 9-0 loss at darts and dominoes, no bonus points) for every match that he/she has played in.
4. Player Behaviour
a. Any player or team reported to the league for misconduct or damage will be dealt with by the committee. At the discretion of the committee, this may result in the offending players being fined, suspended or barred for life.
b. Any objections or protests are to be sent in writing within 7 days of the incident occurring. All teams involved in any objection are to be informed of any extra meetings relating to the objection.
5. Fines and Settlements
a. Any team fined for any reason will have 28 days (or until the next meeting to pay the fine to the treasurer). If the fine has not been paid within this period, the whole team will be suspended from the league and all competitions until it has been paid. They may also be suspended for a period of time to be decided at the discretion of the committee.
b. Any team owing money at the end of the season for any reason must settle this debt immediately.
i. Failure to pay this debt will result in a fine at the discretion of the committee and may incur further sanctions. The team could also be suspended from the league.
ii. If the team and/or individuals have won trophies, they will not receive them until all outstanding debts have been paid.
c. Tickets and Prizes for the KO Cup are to be paid for by the league.
d. A raffle or an alternative should be held at the Finals. All moneys received are to be paid directly into the league funds.
i. Any out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed from the proceeds collected.
6. Promotion and Demotion
a. This will be decided by the joint Secretaries.
b. This will depend on the number of teams in each section, and the number of teams wishing to join the league.
c. This will always remain at the committees discretion.
League Rules
1. Darts
a. All names are to be drawn randomly. All names to be put straight onto score card.
i. Please note Rule 3.i.i. about redrawing players when teams are short.
d. Matches will be played on a league approved board.
i. The height of the board must be 5ft 8 inches from the floor to the centre of the bull.
ii. The throw must be 7ft 9 1/4 inches measured at right angles from the centre of the board.
iii. No objections may be made regarding the height or length of the throw once the first game has commenced.
e. The shouter shall act as referee in all matches.
f. If a player steps over the line with his toe the referee will issue a warning for the first offence. For a second offence the referee shall call "No Score". For a third offence that person will be disqualified.
g. The referee’s decision is final in all matters.
h. The away team shall be allowed to throw first in the first game, and then the throw will alternate.
i. Best game/highest finish/180’s must be added to the results sheets and verified by the captains to compete for the trophies of the same.
j. All games should adhere to the following:
i. Games should be 501 up, straight start, double finish.
ii. The bust-out rule applies to all games.
iii. If a player goes for a number and hits less than that number and with the next dart scores over the remaining number, he/she has bust and returns back to the original score of that leg.
iv. Bull counts as double 25.
k. LEAGUE A and B
i. Matches will be played over the best of 3 legs format. The winner will gain one point for their team.
ii. The away team will throw first and then the throw will alternate.
l. LEAGUE C and D
i. Matches will be played as a single game. The winner will gain one point for their team.
ii. The away team will throw first and then the throw will alternate.
7. Dominoes
b. All names to be put straight onto score card at captain's discretion.
i. Please note Rule 3.i.i. about redrawing players when teams are short.
c. Each game is to be played with 7 dominoes for each player.
d. The first to seven pegs wins. The winner will gain one point for their team.
e. In the event of a count, all remaining dominoes are to be counted; the player with the least number of spots wins that peg.
i. If the totals of spots for both players are equal, it is a draw (no points to either player) and the player on that game gets the drop again.
f. The away team will drop first in game one, then in alternate games.
g. Any 7 – 0 results must be added to the results sheet and verified by the captains to compete for the trophy of the same at the end of the season.
a. A player committing a foul is to lose a peg. A second offence will cause loss of the game.
i. A foul occurs if:
1. any player puts a domino down and let’s go of it, and the domino could not be played on either end.
2. Any player who knocks when that player can go.
ii. Any other queries about fouls not stated contact the General Secretary.
b. Any player found to be cheating will forfeit the game. The offending player may also be suspended for a period of time at the discretion of the committee.
Competition Rules
8. General Competition Rules
h. Competition fees will be £1.00 per person per competition.
i. In all competitions where multiple players are involved, players must be registered with the same team.
j. In all competitions there will be fixed venues as decided by the committee; all games will be played at these venues. The games will commence at 8 PM.
i. A raffle or an alternative should be held at all competitions. All moneys received are to be paid directly into the league funds.
1. Any out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed from the proceeds collected.
k. Any team holding either the Darts KO Cup or any Darts Competitions MUST provide at least 2 referees.
i. Failure to provide referees will result in a £3 fine.
l. For all KO Cup competitions, the home team is to pay a fixed sum of £3.00 to the treasurer before the next round. Failure to do so may result in the offending team not being included in the next round.
m. In darts doubles, domino doubles and 5's & 3's the team will consist of three players. Any two from the three can play at any time.
n. In darts 4's the team will consist of 5 registered players. Any 4 of the 5 can play at any time.
o. All results of competitions MUST be phoned into or texted to the Competition Secretary on the night or the following day. Failure to do so may result in any players being left out of the next round draw.
i. All competition sheets and results sheets should be passed to the Competition Secretary at the next available meeting for clarification. Failure to do so may result in any players being left out of the next round draw.
9. Darts
p. Bust out rule applies to all competitions.
q. Individual Competition games
i. 501 up, straight start double finish, Best of 3 legs. Bull up to see who goes first.
a. Doubles Competition games
i. 801 up, straight start double finish, Best of 3 legs. Bull up to see who goes first.
b. Darts 4's (Any 4 from 5).
i. One game of 4001 up, straight start double finish.
ii. First 3 players score exactly 1000. This need not be a double finish. The bust out rule does not apply for these 3 players
iii. The 4th player must score 1001 and must finish on a double. NOTE: The bust out rule does apply to the 4th player.
iv. If a player completes their 1000 score and has any remaining darts left to throw (either 1 or 2), the next player steps up and uses the remaining darts to start their score.
c. Under 30’s Competition Games
ii. 501 up, straight start double finish, Best of 3 legs. Bull up to see who goes first.
iii. All players are to be aged 30 or under on the day before the first competition game is played.
r. Mid-lifers (31-49) Competition Games
i. 501 up, straight start double finish, Best of 3 legs. Bull up to see who goes first.
ii. All players are to be aged between 31 and 49 on the day before the first competition game is played.
s. Over 50's Competition Games
i. 501 up, straight start double finish, Best of 3 legs. Bull up to see who goes first.
ii. All players are to be aged 50 or over on the day before the first competition game is played.
d. Losing player/team to mark and shout the next game at all venues.
10. Dominoes
a. Individuals.
i. 7 dominoes per player. First to 10 pegs wins. Toss a coin for drop.
b. Doubles.
i. 6 dominoes per player. First to 9 pegs wins. Toss a coin for drop.
ii. In the event of a count all un-played dominoes by all players left are counted, the team lowest total wins.
c. 5's & 3's.
i. 6 dominoes per player. Once around the board plus 1 wins the leg. Best of three legs wins. Toss a coin for drop.
ii. No dropping out so the player must finish dead in the hole.
iii. In the event of a count, lowest domino scores the peg. No aggregate score.
iv. Any player playing a foul will be back-pegged 8 pegs.
v. Playing a foul twice will automatically lose the match.
vi. If a player needs one peg for game and scores 1 with their last domino, this counts as 1 plus 1 for game, thus scoring 2 so they are not out.
11. Knockout Cup
a. At both darts and dominoes, home captains toss a coin to decide who plays first.
b. If the score becomes level (4-4) DO NOT toss a coin again.
c. After the first round of darts and dominoes is completed, the draw for both darts and dominoes will be drawn separately.
d. The winning team in either competition in the first round will enter the respective competition in the second round.
e. If a team receives a bye in the first round, they are entered in both competitions in the second round.
f. Games start at 8:30 pm.
g. General rule 3.i.i. does apply in the KO Cup (ie the re-draw of players).
h. Darts:
i. KO Rounds: 501 up per player, 1 set wins
ii. Semi-finals and finals: 501 up per player, best of 3 wins.
i. Dominoes
i. 7 dominoes per player. First to 7 pegs wins.