League Constitution 


Bob Nellis Darts and Domino League Constitution


1.   Name

The name of the group shall be The Bob Nellis Darts and Domino League.


2.   Aims

The aims of the Bob Nellis Darts and Domino League will be:


3.   Membership

Membership is open to anyone who:

Membership will begin as soon as the member (venue) pays the seasonal house fees, which will be at the last meeting of committee members before the AGM.

A list of all venues will be kept by the Chair and Treasurer.

4.   Ceasing to be a member


5.   Equal Opportunities

The Bob Nellis League will not discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexuality, disability, religious, or political belief, martial status .


6.   Officers and Committee

The business of the group will be carried out by a Management Committee elected at the AGM consisting of 5 officers. 2 additional members may be co-opted onto the Management Committee at the discretion of the Delegate Committee.

The delegate committee will consist of 1 delegate from each team to act as spokesperson for that team and have 1 vote on all matters needing to be voted on at All meetings.

The officers’ roles are as follows:

In the event of an officer standing down or being voted off during his/her term in office a replacement will be elected at the next general meeting.

Any committee member not attending a meeting without apology for 2 meetings will be contacted by the committee and asked if they want to resign.

A vote of no confidence can be called by any committee member in the event a member of management committees’ roles has not been met. A vote by     ALL delegated committee members present will determine the outcome of a no confidence vote. Any member voted off by a majority of 2/3rds of the attending  membership committee will not be allowed to stand for the management committee for a total of 5 years there after. 


7.   Meetings 


7.1    Annual General Meetings


7.2 General Committee Meeting


8.   Finances

An account will be maintained on behalf of the Group at The Nat West Bank.  Four (4) signatories will be nominated by the Management Committee (one    the treasurer) .

The signatories must not be related nor members of the same household.

All payments will be signed by 2 signatories.


9.   Amendments to the Constitution


Amendments to the Constitution will only be made after its adoption at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting.

Any proposal to amend the constitution must be given to The Secretary in writing. The proposal must then be circulated with notice of the meeting.

Any proposal to amend the Constitution will require a two thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote.